Géza Béres is one the the city’s well known style icons with his stylish outfits. His colourful suits are designed by him: he is the owner of a small tailor shop in Buda and the founder of the first Budapest based Hungarian men fashion day, the Budapest Uomo.
The owner of Dress Me And You will close a busy year, as he has travelled half the world again in the last 12 months. This year his suits debuted in Florence, Venice, Paris and Bangkok. We spoke to Géza after his latest Italian tour.

Your international career is growing, you even won a professional award in Thailand. Tell us a bit about that!
In Bangkok, I received the Golden Shears, which is an international tailoring award and I was the first European who won it in Bangkok. Because of the importance of charity there due to Buddhism, they also took into account my professional achievements and the fact that I have organised many events to help people in need. I was very touched when I received this award as I lived in Thailand and went to tailoring school there.

Now that we are speaking of charity, the first Budapest Uomo took place in the summer, where you raised money for holidays for children with Down’s syndrome and where Italian fashion models supported the event. Who were they?
Aldo Farinola was the first person I met through social media, and now I consider him a member of my family. I have made several suits for him. He’s in incredible shape, he is an Italian fashion model, he represents more the extreme line, not the classical fashion. He introduced me to several other Italian models who accompanied me through the process of making a coat for Aldo. They then contacted me and said they would like to work with me. They were Niccolo Cesari and Iuri Marini, who finally agreed to come to Budapest and present the suits for free for a noble cause. The whole event was very uplifting, the Italians to this day get emotional when we talk about it, as the children with Down syndrome were all hearts and it was all about love that day. The money raised was used to pay for their holiday in Felsőörs. In total, 22 families went on holiday, some of whom had never been to Lake Balaton before. The Toscana Focus website broadcasted the event, which was held in FELIX, and it was very high quality. My friend Gyula Bátky also walked the catwalk, setting an example to the older generation that it is possible to dress in style, regardless of age.

Coming back to international success, how did you qualify for Pitti Uomo?
Our first debut in Florence was a great experience, as Pitti Uomo is one of the most important men’s fashion festivals in the world, where all the colours of the men’s fashion world parade. Aldo Farinola appeared in our white winter coat and it was a huge success. After the event we received several invitations, including one from an Italian designer, Carmela Luciani, with whom now we have a collaboration. The suits she designed were presented at the Venice Film Festival by Italian models and film stars. They paraded where the biggest Hollywood actors, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, have walked on the red carpet. It was also an amazing experience. And Carmela got another invitation, a fashion show in Paris, and we were also approached by an Italian private airline to make their uniforms. There is a lot of work to do, a lot of doors have opened for me thanks to Italian collaborations.

Are you planning further expansion in Italy?
I think it’s worth building on the Italian connections, I’m definitely thinking of starting a business, but it might not be a tailor shop. That is still a secret for the future. Right now we are organising an Italian fashion show in Milan during the fashion week. That even will also focus on charity, we will be collecting for an oncology clinic in Milan for women patients. There will be a big show where Hungarian designers will have the opportunity to present their work, including Lilla Gangel, a very talented young designer, whom I am personally mentoring. Her first collection is also being made by us, and I was able to offer her this to launch her career and to showcase herself internationally.

You will bring the world of Pitti Uomo back to Budapest soon. When and where will your next fashion event, the second Budapest Uomo, take place?
On 26 June 2025, at the Buda Castle. The Savoy Terrace will provide the venue, where I think we will enjoy the most beautiful panorama of the city. The Italian fashion models will be here again. In the morning we will be collecting for women with cancer and in the afternoon for children with Down’s syndrome. I’m already in full swing organising the event, and we’re looking for partners!

Let’s close with the Hungarian street fashion. Since we last spoke, do you see any change in the way Hungarians dress?
I see a change in the young people, I think they can be a ray of light. There’s a process that’s started, perhaps helped by the rise of the barber shops, where men are becoming more demanding, especially the younger generation. It has to be acknowledged that not everyone starts out in life with the means to afford to wear high-end suits, but there are budget-friendly options. I’m thinking here of ready-to-wear shops. I know that I won’t be popular with Hungarian style consultants and fashion bloggers, but I will say that yes, you can find the pieces you need to put together a sophisticated wardrobe in these shops. First of all, look at the materials and colours. If they match, it’s half the battle. Later, of course, if you can get a job, it’s worth investing in a good quality suit, because you can only make a first impression once. Especially at middle or senior management level, it is very important to have a suit that suits your body type. There is a difference of about 100,000 HUF between the big brands and our suits, but we make a completely personalised, tailor-made suit, which we adjust free of charge afterwards, and that is included in the price.

One more question: how do you decide in the morning what to wear that day?
It depends on how I wake up. I don’t have anything pre-packed, but because I have a lot of clothes, I have a lot to choose from. I really like white pants because I wear stronger colours, so almost everything goes well with white pants. The key is to have at least 2 or 3 pieces of a particular colour. It can be shoes, belt, scarf, tie, it makes the look unique and stylish. I like colours, so I wear them with confidence.
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